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Conference Abstracts




  • Joo H. Kang, UKC 2015, US-­Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, Atlanta, GA (July 29 – Aug. 1, 2015) (invited podium presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang, The 38th Annual Conference on Shock, (June 6-­9 2015) (Invited podium presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang, et al., Bioinspired Spleen-­on-­a-­chip for Sepsis Therapy, the 4th Annual Conference of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening's SLAS2015, Washington D.C., USA, (Feb. 7-­11,2015) (podium presentation, selected as one of the Top candidates for the SLAS Innovation Award)


  • Joo H. Kang, et al., Biospleen device for extracorporeal sepsis therapy, microTAS 2014 conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, (Oct. 26-­30, 2014)


  • T.F. Didar, A. Watters, D.C. Leslie, J.H. Kang, M. Cartwright, A. Graveline, A. Waterhouse, M. Super, and D.E. Ingber, Opsonin-­coated hollow fibers for pathogen removal from flowing blood, microTAS 2014 conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, (Oct. 26-­30, 2014)


  • Joo H. Kang, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs 2014, Washington D.C., USA, (June 18-­21, 2014) (Invited podium presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang, World Circulating Tumor Cells Summit 2013, Boston, MA, USA (November 12-­15, 2013) (Invited podiumn presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang, Ryan M. Cooper, Karel Domansky, Julia B. Berthet, Alex Diaz, Michael Super, and Donald E. Ingber, BioSpleen Microdevice for Sepsis Therapy, Gordon Research Conference Microfluidics, Physics & Chemistry of, Lucca (Barga), Italy (June 9-­14, 2013) (travel supported by the Postdoctoral Award for Professional Development from Harvard University)


  • Joo H. Kang, Ryan M. Cooper, Alexa Schulte, Julia B. Berthet, Karel Domansky, Michael Super, and Donald E. Ingber, Bioinspired Spleen-­on-­a-­chip for Sepsis Therapy, IEEE Micro-­ and Nanoengineering in Medicine Conference 2012, Kaanapali, HI (December 3-­7, 2012)


  • Joo H. Kang, Ryan M. Cooper, Karel Domansky, Amanda Graveline, Heather Tobin, MarkCartwright, Alex Watters, Martin Rottman, Julia B. Berthet, Nazita Gamini, Melissa Rodas, David Breslau, Anxhela Kole, Julie Tomolonis, Thomas M. Valentin, Anna Waterhouse, Alexa M. Schulte, Tada Mammoto, Mark Puder, Michael Super, and Donald E. Ingber, Spleen-­on-­a-­chip for Sepsis Therapy, The 4th Wyss Retreat, InterContinental Hotel, Boston (November 19th, 2012)


  • Joo H. Kang, A combined micromagnetic-­microfluidic device for rapid capture and culture of rare circulating tumor cells, The New England Bioscience Society 20th Annual Conference, Boston, MA (June 16, 2012) (Invited podium presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang, Ryan M. Cooper, Alexa Schulte, Heather Tobin, Amanda Graveline, Chong W. Yung, Julia B. Berthet, Nazita Gamini, Karel Domansky, Richard Terry, Michael Super, Donald E. Ingber, BioInspired Spleen-­on-­a-­chip Device for Sepsis Therapy, The 5th Massachusetts Life Sciences Innovation (MALSI) Day 2012: Burden of Proof, Harvard Club of Boston, Boston, MA (May 30, 2012) (the 4th ranked judged by all attendees, CEOs and VCs)


  • Joo H. Kang, Ryan M. Cooper, Alexa Schulte, Heather Tobin, Amanda Graveline, Chong Yung, Daniel Leslie, Karel Domansky, Amanda Wozniak, Richard Terry, Michael Super, Donald E. Ingber, Spleen-­on-­a-­chip for Sepsis Therapy, The 3rd Wyss Retreat, The Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, November 14th, 2011.


  • Joo H. Kang, Bumjun Kim, and Je-­Kyun Park, Microfluidic pycnometer for real-­time monitoring of aqueous solution in microfluidic channels, LabAutomation 2009, Palm Spring, U.S.A. (January 25-­28, 2008). (Received a grant of Academic Travel Awards from LabAutomation2009)


  • Joo H. Kang, Bumjun Kim, and Je-­Kyun Park, Pyklinophoresis: a new particle migration principle driven by density gradient and application to analysis of solution density in amicrofluidic device, Proceedings of μTAS 2008 Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 1468-­ 1470, San Diego, U.S.A. (Oct. 12-­16, 2008).


  • Joo H. Kang, Yu Chang Kim, and Je-­Kyun Park (2007), Analysis of pressure-­driven air bubble elimination for a large-­area microfluidic cell cultivating device, Proceedings of Micro Total Analysis Systems 2007 Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 703-­705, Paris, France (Oct. 7-­11, 2007).


  • Yu Chang Kim, Joo H. Kang, Sang-­Jin Park, Eui-­Soo Yoon, and Je-­Kyun Park (2007), Compressive cell stimulation using PDMS membrane deflection in a microfluidic device, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Solid-­State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers'07), Vol. 2, pp. 1873-­1876, Lyon, France (June 10-­14, 2007).


  • Joo H. Kang and Je-­Kyun Park (2007) A Microfluidic Magnetophoresis Chip for Continuous Single-­Walled Carbon Nanotube Purification from Magnetic Force-­Induced Superparamagnetic Metal Catalyst, Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 2007, pp. 437-­440 , Kobe, Japan (January 21-­25, 2007).


  • Young Ki Hahn, Zongwen Jin, Joo H. Kang, Eunkeu Oh, Hak-­Sung Kim, Jung-­Tak Jang, Jinwoo Cheon, Hae-­Sim Park, and Je-­Kyun Park (2006) Magnetophoretic immunoassay for allergen-­specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) in patient samples, Proceedings of the Micro Total Analysis Systems 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 320-­322, Tokyo, Japan (November 5-­9, 2006).


  • Joo H. Kang, Young Ki Hahn, Kyu Sung Kim, and Je-­Kyun Park (2005) Microfluidic sandwich immunoassays for sub-­femtomole detection using magnetic field-­induced nanoparticles, Proceedings of the Micro Total Analysis Systems 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 25-­27, Boston, USA (October 9-­13, 2005). (podium presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang and Je-­Kyun Park (2004) ELISA reader compatible microfluidic device for enzyme kinetics, Proceedings of the Micro Total Analysis Systems 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 28-­30, Malö, Sweden (September 26-­30, 2004).


  • Je-­Kyun Park and Joo H. Kang (2004) ELISA reader compatible microfluidic plastic chip for enzyme assay, LabFusion 2004, Boston, U.S.A. (June 12-­16, 2004). (podium presentation)


  • Joo H. Kang and Je-­Kyun Park (2004) Microfluidic plastic card for enzyme assay, The 2nd U.S.A.-­Korea Joint Symposium on MEMS and BioSystems Technology, UC Berkeley, U.S.A. (March 11-­12, 2004). (invited)


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